Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Impressive pierced Bracket fungi, Shelf fungi or phylum Basidiomycota

Souzou: Outsider Art from Japan

This wonderful exhibition at the Wellcome Collection is on until the 30th June, and is free.
It's a large exhibition, with an incredible variety of work, and at the end are some really interesting films of the artists at work.

Shinichi Sawada

Ryosuke Otsuji

Masao Obata

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Utsushi – The Search for Katsuhira’s Tiger

Fox and Lamb

Pattern parts in a lovely Murray Marks box

  Being rather short on time, and urgently needing a small fox for a birthday girl, I decided to make this from a pattern by Gingermelon on Etsy, rather than make my own. The very clear instructions made it a pleasure, and it was interesting to use different methods or solutions to your own. Especially when you realise how convoluted and over complicated your own can be!
I didn't have any fox coloured felt so he's Arctic.